Classic Rusks

Elite Classic Wheat Rusks No Added Sugar & Salt

Elite Classic Wheat Rusks no added sugar & salt, are suitable even for those who choose a balanced diet low in salt and sugars. Light, crunchy and delicious, they can be consumed either as a standalone snack or in combination with many other ingredients as a delicious breakfast, a balanced all-day snack or even an accompaniment to your meals!

Focusing on quality, nutritional value & new taste experiences, Elite creates tasty and nutritious products from simple and pure ingredients for over 50 years.

Classic Rusks

250 g
3+1 Δώρο
250 g
3+1 Δώρο


Αλεύρι σίτου (88%), Υγρή ζύμη αρτοποιίας, φοινικέλαιο, Γλουτένη σίτου, προζύμι φύτρου σίτου, βελτιωτικό αλεύρου (ασκορβικό οξύ)



  Per 100g
Energy kj/Kcal 1674/396
Fat g 6,1
Saturates g 2,6
Carbohydrates g 7
Sugars g 3,6
Edible fiber g 4,6
Protein g 13
Salt g 0.02